Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Coming soon...

Atlanta posts! I took a little blog vacation but I'll be adding several posts chronicling my trip to the ATL over the next few days.

Note the bumper sticker. It says "Honk if you love sexy Jesus".

Beep Beep!!


KEITH said...

I like to think of Jesus like with giant eagles wings, and singin' lead vocals for Lynyrd Skynyrd with like an angel band and I'm in the front row and I'm hammered drunk!

Hadass said...

Well it is about damn time you post something! You have been keeping us Aut, Colleen fans in suspense for way too long. Hold on to your hats Aut, Colleen fans, cause there is some funny shit coming your way. The ATL is extremely uneventful until Colleen comes to town, and then the kooks come out and the hilarity ensues. And like a good blogger, Colleen was there to document it all, and she didn't miss a beat!

Hadass said...

Oh, and I seriously thought you had been kidnapped or something by some crazy well dressed obsessed Aut, Colleen fan who had you locked in his basement as his love slave. So good to know you have officially joined the living again!

Hadass said...

Ok, this is no longer coming soon. It is almost 2 months since you posted this. I know you are busy with your personal life, but if I had an Aut, Colleen membership card, I would seriously start thinking about returning it right now. Please post something. The fans are getting restless.