Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I am having a BIRTHDAY PARTY on Saturday, August 16th! This will be the first party I had to celebrate my birthday since my 21st at Juarez, the token Mexican restaurant in Savannah. I decided to deal with my fear of aging like a big girl and grab 28 by the horns! Last year I spent my special day stuck in bed at my parents house watching t.v. with a bag of frozen peas so this year I plan to do it up.

Balloons in front of the house, goody bags, streamers, maybe a face cake...

Details and Evite to follow.


KEITH said...

Woo-Hoo! Party!

Hadass said...

You are having your party on my birthday! I wish there was some way I could come, but I don't know if I will be able to. I will see though.