Wednesday, January 2, 2008

installing and setting solid steel pillars in concrete


KEITH said...

Is this your way of telling us that you have a thing for construction workers?

Hadass said...

I thought your first post for the New Year would be something a little more... uh... inspiring and interesting. Is this the new direction that Aut, Colleen is taking in 2008?

KEITH said...

I think Colleen's gone all avant-garde on us and from now on she's just going to post cryptic pictures that we're supposed to find the meanings of.

I think the installation of these solid steel pillars represents a new beginning. See, the concrete represents the foundation of our lives that we've built so far. In this new year we will each be setting our own pillars into that foundation. What, exactly, the steel pillars represent is something we must decide for ourselves.

Hadass said...

Wow, Keith, that was deep.

KEITH said...

Yeah, I took my first art class over the summer.

Colleen said...

The "deep meaning" is where their van is located in relation to the freshly install pillars.

KEITH said...

Oh, I see.

Now I feel silly.

Kate said...

Colleen, how deliciously sly of you to make your first post of the new year a provocative image of a clearly under-planned attempt to enforce order with little consideration of a clear exit strategy.....and on caucus day, no less. Bravo!

Hadass said...


Yeah, I get it now. That is definitely an example of what not to do.

Way to stump us all, Coll!

Colleen said...

All input was valid. I just thought the image without much explanation would be kinda like a puzzle that make people dissect it a bit.. something to make you think. As you can tell from the post about the little boys in snowsuits that I like pictures like this.

I recently saw an wonderful exibit at the National Gallery in DC called "The Art of the American Snapshot" that was right up my alley. I bought the exhibit book that really does the featured photographs justice. You can look at if you are ever over my house - sorry but I am not lending it out.

Colleen said...

I forgot to mention for all you art nuts out there like myself - There was also an Edward Hopper exhibit there at the same time (I was lucky enough to be sitting next to the curator of it at lunch in the caf - not with me, just next to me a few seats down at the long table with some other museum people). I have never been much of a Hopper fan but I was really impressed. I have a new appriciation for his work. I love it when that happens. If you get a chance to check it out you should. It will be showing at the Art Institute of Chicago next.

Ringo said...

I would like to point out that it SEEMS to me(perhaps you know since you found the pic), based upon the street signs and a couple other minor things, that the picture was not taken in the U.S. I honestly think that they're in France. Dumb Frogs. Go America!