Friday, October 26, 2007

Calling all Troups

I haven’t been able to think of anything to write about these past couple months. More accurately I haven’t tried to think of anything because I usually don’t have to. Last night Keith was over to help me carve pumpkins and listen to me kvetch about this unfortunate block. He said that the post about my candle of the month was one of his favorites and that actually came out of a facetious off handed suggestion. “Wow Colleen. Your candle shopping process is so fascinating. You should blog about it.” Blog about it I did! And what a glowing success! (No candle pun intended)

This is where you come in. I need your suggestions.
Many of you know me well so pick a topic or story I can really run with.

-For some reason the idea of Lance Bass having a book deal upsets me greatly. Out of Sync, Really? I feel sorry for the editor (ghostwriter) who had to pen this piece of shit. Just look at the cover shot! What a fag.


KEITH said...

Do I need to track down your remembrances of Hit Stix?

Hadass said...

Lance Bass was scheduled to be on my morning radio show on Wed this past week and right before them, they had these ghost hunters on who work in Atlanta. Their story was much cooler and very entertaining, and the DJs really didn't want to stop to do the Lance Bass interview. They pretty much asked him about Britney Spears the whole time (apparently she was one of the first people he came out too before anyone else knew many years ago), and then the tried to wrap up the interview so they could go back to the ghost hunters. I thought that was awesome. They were trying to wrap up with him, and he kept trying to plug his book and his book signing (at the local gay bookstore in Midtown called Outwrite Books). Who cares? Ghosts are much more interesting than him and his stupid story of being the lone gay guy in an all male pop group. Newsflash, the we all knew you were gay, so the book seems like a moot point.

Colleen said...

um Hadass. Ideas please.

Kate said...

If I were a dude forced to sing, dance, and workout n sync with Justin Timberlake, I'd be gay.

I enjoyed your posts that were deep soul searching questions of moral interests.

Colleen said...

It annoys me that Justin Timberlake is so hot.

I need something more specific but i think I have something to write about.