Wednesday, October 24, 2007

This is What Sad Looks Like

I'm sorry I have not been posting but I have been pretty busy and preoccupied lately. Hopefully I'll think of something to post soon. BTW, the last two posts were taken down cos they were only ment to be temporary for venting.

Hadass sent me this picture. This speaks volumes to anyone who has ever tried to wash a cat. Not an easy job.
As you know I am unapologetic when it comes to my love of felines. I think they are hilarious.


KEITH said...

That person is very lucky that they have a sad kitty instead of an angry kitty.

Hadass said...

A few more centimeters to the top and this picture would have been x-rated. I sort of think the cat looks scared as well as sad, which could be because of the naked person trying to bathe him.

I did not take this picture. My mom actually sent it to me. Now that she has email and knows how to use it, she loves to forward me anything and everything that she gets.

Kate said...

It sounds like some kind of ultimate sport: nude cat bathing....sponsored in part by Band-Aid and Neosporan. Weird, weird stuff.