Friday, February 22, 2008

What does "pure" even mean anymore?

"On a quiet Friday morning in a dressing room at Madison Square Garden, the Jonas Brothers hold out their hands to show off their purity rings. Kevin, Joe, and Nick Jonas—the teen-pop trio who stand, at this very moment, on the brink of hugeness—wear the metal bands on their fingers to symbolize, as Joe puts it, "promises to ourselves and to God that we'll stay pure till marriage." Joe is 18. His ring is silver and adorned with a cross. "It actually ripped apart a little bit, just on the bottom, here, but I didn't want to get a new one, because this one means so much to me," he says. Nick, who is 15, says, "I got mine made at Disney World. It's pretty awesome." Kevin, at 20, is the oldest of the three, and while a punk-rock purity ring from Tiffany might represent the ultimate oxymoron, that's exactly what he's going for. His silver vow of abstinence is covered with studs. "It's pretty rock and roll," Kevin says. "It's getting banged up a little bit because of the guitar."

Ok, so I don’t think God really cares much about who and how many people you knock boots with but more if you a good person or not. I guess it doesn't matter to me since I am not being married off with a dowry so I just don't understand. Personally, I just think it's stupid. Maybe I should come out with “I promise to not smoke crack” rings or “I promise to not commit white collar crime” or how about “I promise not to fail out of college my freshman year” rings. I know my parents would have bought one of those for me at my high school graduation!

I think if people wore rings showing commitment to living an environmentally friendly lifestyle it would be a lot less ridiculous than purity rings. Another thing that I can’t understand is why at such a young age someone would publicize a very private decision. And to wear it on their left ring finger! You aren't going to get too many dates if people think you are married my friends, and if you explain to them that you are not married and why you have the ring then you will probably get fewer. Nobody likes a Jesus freak.

Whatev. And the oldest brother is 20? Eek. Its cute at 16 but at 20... I don’t care how many studs are on his ring, vows of celibacy are only cool when it’s Morrissey.
Let's hear some of your predictions of how this whole thing is going to go for the Jonas Brothers!

It may work out. May I remind you that all of the Hanson boys are married!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Monster Hands

I'm sure most have you saw The Hills villain Heidi Montag's horrific music video by now. Well, if you thought that wasn't unintentionally funny enough on it's own check out The Soups' spoof of the making of it.

So, I tried to find an embarrassing picture of Heidi and this is the best I could come up with. Love her or hate her the girl cannot take a bad picture.

Stick that in your pipe and smoke it Herb Lottier!

I just ordered a ticket for the Frieda Kahlo exhibition at the Philadelphia Museum or Art with my real “blacklisted” name. Maybe I’ll hang out on the main stairs under the Calder mobile, eat lunch in the cafeteria, and flaunt my complete lack or regard for their imposed and poorly enforced ban. Herb, I called your bluff – now suck on it!

Filling Every Hour of Every Day

I have been busy with real estate school and my ongoing Operation Organization (guided by the good people at the HGTV and Style Channel's Clean House) so my posting has been less frequent. Also, since I have a lot going on these days I haven't had much time to sit around and let my mind become preoccupied with random bullshit that I used to post. So, if you have any topics that you think I could create a fun post about send it my way.

In the meantime those who know me know I like Scrubs and cats so here are some funny YouTube clips that I like to watch when I need a quick pick me up.

Did I ever post the Hearding Cats commercial? If not check it out below.

Monday, February 11, 2008

This Just In!

I just got an email from my friend at my favorite bookstore, Joseph Fox Bookshop, about an In-Store Reading and Signing!

On June 3rd Little Brown will publish Indefinite Leave to Remain - a new book by David Sedaris. On June 7th David Sedaris will be in the shop signing books. Watch for details...

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Aut, Colleen Officially Endorses Hillary Clinton

It took a Clinton to clean up after the first Bush and it might take another Clinton to clean up after this Bush.
-Hillary Clinton