Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Aut, Colleen Officially Endorses Hillary Clinton

It took a Clinton to clean up after the first Bush and it might take another Clinton to clean up after this Bush.
-Hillary Clinton


KEITH said...

You know, that makes for a great sound bite but I don't think the first Bush really needed that much cleaning-up after.

Anyway, as long as we're throwing out endorsements, I would like to announce my proud support for Obama.

"In the end, that's what this election is about. Do we participate in a politics of cynicism or a politics of hope?" - Barack Obama

KEITH said...

P.S. I do love those pictures, though. Especially the second one!

Hadass said...

I am very torn between the two. I really love Hillary, but something about Obama inspires me. I voted for Obama today, but I may change my vote by the time the election comes, I just don't know. It will be historic no matter which one it is, and I am confident that it will be one of the two. I would be happy with either one as President.

KEITH said...

I feel the same way. I was undecided but leaning towards Hillary up until a week or two ago. I think she'd make a really good president. Plus, I'd live to hear people refer to Bill as the First Laddie (rumor has it that's what he wants to be called).

KEITH said...

Or love to hear.


Hadass said...

Even McCain doesn't bother me too terribly much as the GOP candidate. I think this country has a fighting chance with Clinton, Obama, or McCain as President. This election is very exciting because so much hinges on this one. We are so ready for a change and breath of fresh air! I can't wait until November!

KEITH said...

I've always liked McCain (even though I think he's a little crazy). I hope he wins the other nomination.

Kate said...

Though I'm swinging democrat, I like McCain. I think he has a strong sense of integrity, something we could use in the Washington. Just looking at folks like Rove, Cheney, Rumsfeld makes me want to hop in a shower and scrub till the filth is gone. I know its a bit played out, but we are long overdue for some change.