Friday, February 22, 2008

What does "pure" even mean anymore?

"On a quiet Friday morning in a dressing room at Madison Square Garden, the Jonas Brothers hold out their hands to show off their purity rings. Kevin, Joe, and Nick Jonas—the teen-pop trio who stand, at this very moment, on the brink of hugeness—wear the metal bands on their fingers to symbolize, as Joe puts it, "promises to ourselves and to God that we'll stay pure till marriage." Joe is 18. His ring is silver and adorned with a cross. "It actually ripped apart a little bit, just on the bottom, here, but I didn't want to get a new one, because this one means so much to me," he says. Nick, who is 15, says, "I got mine made at Disney World. It's pretty awesome." Kevin, at 20, is the oldest of the three, and while a punk-rock purity ring from Tiffany might represent the ultimate oxymoron, that's exactly what he's going for. His silver vow of abstinence is covered with studs. "It's pretty rock and roll," Kevin says. "It's getting banged up a little bit because of the guitar."

Ok, so I don’t think God really cares much about who and how many people you knock boots with but more if you a good person or not. I guess it doesn't matter to me since I am not being married off with a dowry so I just don't understand. Personally, I just think it's stupid. Maybe I should come out with “I promise to not smoke crack” rings or “I promise to not commit white collar crime” or how about “I promise not to fail out of college my freshman year” rings. I know my parents would have bought one of those for me at my high school graduation!

I think if people wore rings showing commitment to living an environmentally friendly lifestyle it would be a lot less ridiculous than purity rings. Another thing that I can’t understand is why at such a young age someone would publicize a very private decision. And to wear it on their left ring finger! You aren't going to get too many dates if people think you are married my friends, and if you explain to them that you are not married and why you have the ring then you will probably get fewer. Nobody likes a Jesus freak.

Whatev. And the oldest brother is 20? Eek. Its cute at 16 but at 20... I don’t care how many studs are on his ring, vows of celibacy are only cool when it’s Morrissey.
Let's hear some of your predictions of how this whole thing is going to go for the Jonas Brothers!

It may work out. May I remind you that all of the Hanson boys are married!


Kate said...

I think you're totally on to something with the 'other' promise ring ideas. You could really cash in on this. There are 3 teirs of people that make this stuff work. First, the people who love to draw attention to themselves and their beliefs (ie: Angelina). Second, the people who love to feel a part of a club, especially if the club seems exclusive to others (ie: Paris). Third, the people who spend money on knock-offs just for the appearance of being in the club, but not really knowing anything about the club (ie: my Jewish friend who has a Jesus fish on his car). Sure those Live Strong bracelets were for a good cause, but after a while, it was just the cool thing to wear...and sell. Walden Books even had purple 'read strong' bracelets. And what about what Kabbalah did for the red string industry. I'm all about this ring idea.

Hadass said...

I think that nowadays, by putting on a purity ring, you are telling the world that you are going to be a whore, but it is going to be your little secret. And if the secret comes out, you are going to deny it until you are blue in the face. Miley Cyrus talks about her purity ring too. You know she went on tour with the Jonas brothers. And you know she is totally doing all 3 of them. Hannah Montana she's a slut! Did you see her on Barbara Walters last night before the Oscars? And btw what was she even doing on the Oscars anyway? I mean, don't get me wrong, I love me some Hannah Montana, just ask Kate. But the Oscars are little above her, don't you think? Anyways, she was telling Barbara about how she was not going to end up like Britney and Lindsay and all of them because she has her family and she has her faith. What does that even mean anymore? Of course, by her saying that she is not going to end up like them is a definite indication that she will.

Kate said...

Hannah Montana, Hadass! You may have a point. But she has an out. Miley can be Jessica Simpson, Hannah can be Lindsay Lohan....or the other way around. Her split personality gave her the perfect excuse.

Colleen said...

Ok, i don't think Miley Cyrus is a slut or even sexually active at all. At this point I think she is pretty sincere. At this point. I have no problem with people abstaining from sex - in fact I applaud it in these cases but why do they need to talk about it and wear their belief on their sleave? When you go wayward it won't take long for it to show on the outside - look at Britney and Lindsay. You can't hide your true self and lifestyle forever if you live in the public eye. Being a child star doesn't mean you will inevitably end up in Dana Plato-ville but they should acknowledge that it is hard to stay grounded but they are willing to take that chance and do the best they can.

I don't think the Oscars were above her. She was the hot thing this year. She was more relevant that Renee Zellweger this year and she was there.

Unknown said...

Didn't Britney say she was saving herself as well...? Look how that turned out.

KEITH said...

Why are you guys so negative? Maybe Miss Cyrus-Montana will luck out and become the next Mandy Moore!

Colleen said...

I LOVE Mandy Moore but the difference is that Mandy more didn't make any virginity promises nor did she talk about how her "faith" was going to keep her on the straight and narrow.

KEITH said...

Huh, I thought she did but after an intensive research session (I checked Wikipedia) it looks like I was mistaken. I must have been thinking of Jessica Simpson.

Hadass said...

I love Hannah Montana- Miley Cyrus. I just think that unfortunately, like every other Disney star, they pushed into popularity too quick and they can't handle the pressure and that is why they turn out the way they do. I think she going to end up eating her words one day. If she never publicized it and made it into a big deal, it wouldn't be such huge news later on. I mean, have you seen how she dresses so far? She already dresses like a slut. But hopefully I will be wrong. Believe me, I do not want that for my little Hannah.

KEITH said...

Do you think she even gets to pick out her own clothes? I imagine that there's some behind-the-scenes Disney executive who uses data culled from fourteen-year-old boys to determine the optimal amount of flesh for her to reveal.

Hadass said...

That is what is scary to me. That Disney is the one who is pruning these kids to grow up the way they do. Do you think Disney puts liquor and drugs in their dressing rooms to encourage them early. Disney probably buys them the purity rings, too. Maybe this whole thing about Disney conspiring to corrupt our children really isn't so insane after all. But I love all things Disney, so not like I am criticizing or anything.

Kate said...

Disney is totally twisted. It exists in this bizzarre dimension of greed, globalization, and censorship thinly veiled by purity, wholesomeness, and family values. I'm not a huge fan. I wouldn't be surprised if Disney doesn't contractually force their young stars to speak out about abstinence. The kid even said he got his ring at Disney. Its the Disney conspiracy.

KEITH said...

That reminds me. This is one of my all-time favorite SNL sketches.

Hadass said...

So that is what is in the Disney vault. I have always wondered and wanted to visit myself.

Isn't there an urban legend that Walt Disney is cryogenically frozen and hidden somewhere on the property of Disney World? Maybe he IS in the Disney vault after all.

KEITH said...

Oh yeah. Some say that Disney's frozen corpse is being held under The Pirates of the Caribbean but I think The Vault is a much more likely hiding place.

Watching that video again, I noticed that Mickey sheepishly removes and tosses away a still from Fantasia where a clearly African-American centaur shines the hoof of her fairer-skinned master. That's an image that has been edited out of all prints of the film since 1969.

Colleen, I'll save you the trouble by going ahead and "nerd alerting" myself.

Kate said...

There's also an interesting Nazi Youth Disney cartoon out there. I saw it on YouTube not too long ago.

KEITH said...

Wait, was that cartoon pro or anti-Nazi Youth?

lisa said...

i think that the fact that the jonas brothers wear those rings is amazing. i am 19 years old and married my highschool sweetheart, but i wore a promise ring too. its amazing that they respect women and mostly God. and the fact that they have to take the brunt of these joke...just leave them alone...respect them for not sleeping around. they will be able to tell their wives that she is the ONLLY women that they have ever made love to, and i think that is honorable. God appriciates what they are doing. and they are setting a good example!