Monday, February 18, 2008

Stick that in your pipe and smoke it Herb Lottier!

I just ordered a ticket for the Frieda Kahlo exhibition at the Philadelphia Museum or Art with my real “blacklisted” name. Maybe I’ll hang out on the main stairs under the Calder mobile, eat lunch in the cafeteria, and flaunt my complete lack or regard for their imposed and poorly enforced ban. Herb, I called your bluff – now suck on it!

1 comment:

KEITH said...

Hey, when are going to see Frieda Kahlo? Can I tag along? In the unlikely event that the ban is enforced and you get physically ejected from PMA, I wouldn't want to miss it.

After all, you are dangerous. You boldly declared that "everyone must suffer" and that you know where Andy lives. Not to mention your most dastardly deed of all: You ate my pony!