Wednesday, April 23, 2008

55 Days and 2.5hrs till the LSAT


KEITH said...

Remember, you can't go wrong with ABBACADABA.

Kate said...

After you enter law school, would you be interested in being the legal adviser for my brother's new screenplay. It's entitled 'Brother in Law' and features Redman as the pot smoking neerdowell married to the sister of a prominent lawyer (possibly played by Hugh Grant??). The lawyer saves Redman and friends from being wrongly accused and in return, inspires Redman to enroll in law school. Here's where your expertise would be ensure an accurate depiction of law school. The sequel, 'Brother-in-law in Law', will take place in London where Redman is a visiting law professor. White wigs and all. So, you in?

Hadass said...

O... M... G!

Your brothers are just... amazing!

Colleen said...

Ryan boys, that may be a problem.

There is already a movie called How High where Redman goes to college where the student body is predominantly white and hilarity ensues as a result of the culture clash. I also remember the movie involving “magic week” a la the classic Half Baked.

Colleen said...

sorry. typo, it should read "magic weed"

Kate said...

Yeah, that's not a problem, just a genre. The beauty of the population that this genre caters to is that they eithr don't remember or don't care.