Ah, Arctic Splash. It’s as essential to Fishtown as pajamas as outerwear or Newports... But, we do have an abundance of hipsters. On occasion they will do something moderately amusing such as organizing costume bike rides where they get about 15-20 people to dress up in crazy costumes and ride around the neighborhood. Fishtown is basically divided into two main groups: the hipsters and the old school Fishtowners who can’t understand why people would spend mucho dough for a newly renovated row home or environmentally friendly condo and have an apparent addiction to a sugary ice tea-esq beverage called Arctic Splash. (I am the exception as I fall into neither category.)
This addition to F-town’s official website is clearly the work of those of the Johnny Brenda loving persuasion and Timmy and I got a good laugh out of the hipster's take on our hamlet's beloved drink. (http://www.johnnybrendas.com/) . Check it out:
this picture was taken right outside my house.
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