Monday, February 18, 2008

Filling Every Hour of Every Day

I have been busy with real estate school and my ongoing Operation Organization (guided by the good people at the HGTV and Style Channel's Clean House) so my posting has been less frequent. Also, since I have a lot going on these days I haven't had much time to sit around and let my mind become preoccupied with random bullshit that I used to post. So, if you have any topics that you think I could create a fun post about send it my way.

In the meantime those who know me know I like Scrubs and cats so here are some funny YouTube clips that I like to watch when I need a quick pick me up.

Did I ever post the Hearding Cats commercial? If not check it out below.


KEITH said...

Wow, that first Scrubs clip was profoundly disturbing and adorable!

Kate said...

I have a topic for discussion. Its a question of morals and integrity....and Ebay and famous mustaches. What should one do if faced with 2 autographed headshots of the same 'celebrity' but with 2clearly different signatures?

KEITH said...

Do celebrities sign their own signatures? Don't they have people for that?

Kate said...

What if the celebrity is someone like 20/20's John Stossel?

KEITH said...

A forged Stossel signature? Give me a break!

Kate said...

And along those lines, I may be left with no choice other than to solicit help for an undercover sting operation to expose the forger. I think Hadass is out, so how about it Keith? One has a certified letter of authenticity, one came in an envelope from ABC News, presumably, from the man himself. I'm beginning to think the bastard had someone else sign it for him.

Hadass said...

Wait a minute. I didn't say I was out. I just said that you have a lot of time on your hands if you want to take down ABC with your "signature sting". I don't take quite as much offense to it as you do, but that doesn't mean I don't love a little mystery. I just don't know how we are going to do it.

Kate said...

Well first of all we're going to need to penetrate Stossel's inner circle. Earn his trust. Learn his schedule and daily routine. We need to establish the TRUE Stossel, the man behind the stache. Is he an overworked, underpaid reporter with not enough time to sign his own name, or just an a-hole? Who wants to volunteer to rise to the challenge of being a stossel assistant/intern?

Hadass said...

I guess it would need to be someone who did not work, so they actually had time to do this, and someone who lives in or near New York City, which I guess is where they film. And it would probably have to be somebody who had something in common with him or the news industry, or could get a job with ABC or better yet, 20/20 so they could get close to him. Or if somebody knew where he liked to eat or hang out. They need to become his best friend, his confidante, his trusted pal.

Kate said...

I like the way you are thinking. My brother has found great amusement lately in posting reidiculous 'jobs' on Craigslist. His two latest:
1)Seeking mute actors for silent film (Phila. and NY)
2)Seeking Homies, current crew aint dope enuf (Idaho)
He gets responses....some of them are even serious. I bet we could totally get interested responses.

Colleen said...

Kate, what brother does that?

Kate said...

Mike, of course.

KEITH said...

I think we need some more information on Stosselgate before we proceed. My first question: Who issues a certified letter of authenticity for his signature? Is it someone connected to him or an independent body that specializes in marginal-celebrity signatures?

Also, I didn't realize that if my current homies aren't dope enough I could just go to Craigslist for a new crew. This could really turn things around for me.

Hadass said...

And, Keith, the surprising thing is that people actually respond as if your offer is serious. I think that shows just how sad the current job situation in America really is.

I don't think it is sad that people would respond to be in your posse. Just in general.

Hadass said...

Kate, has your brother had anyone respond to the mute actors posting? I think that is hilarious.

Kate said...

The ad went on to describe how sound filtering technology is expensive, and in an effort to cut expense, they were only accepting resumes of mute actors. 3 actors, not sure if actually mute, seriously replied. 1 person replied to tell them unplugging one cable would disable sound recording devices, and 1 person replied saying it was the funniest help wanted ad she'd read that day. BTW: he actually has written a screenplay for a silent movie about roller derby.....I imagine its pretty short.