Thursday, April 17, 2008

"i shuddered when i read that thomas kincaid anecdote>who would write a paper in art school re:that?"

"Just read your blog- very clever, informative, & entertaining. I had never read it before so I read the ENTIRE thing while Giselle was napping. We are in a hotel room in Cleveland-yes Cleveland. Tres boring. Every nite we go out for some sort of world experience dinner>tonite=ethiopian, but alas, the city is still mundane."

This is an excerpt of an email from Nicole who was my good friend, fellow SCAD grad, and co-worker at The Olde Pink House in Savannah (pictured above). You know the saying “two heads are better than one”? The opposite is true when Nicole and I are together. Case in point: late one evening while it took us an absurdly long time to realize the man with the long blond hair who reserved his table under the name “Allman” might just be Greg Allman who lives about 30 minutes outside Savannah. Aha! It was.

She now lives in Michigan now with her man and beautiful baby girl Giselle. The Savannah years were defining for both of us and she and I spent many evenings sitting on the porch of her house right off Forsythe Park drinking and exploring all the "how did I get here? What am I trying to do - what did I expect to find here? Will it ever make sense for us?" and of course we talked about art and being broke. She had a palm tree in her front yard which was something neither of us could get over. We would drink the $2.50 bottles of wine you could get at the Kroger and one time her weird pot head neighbor tried to give us this HUGE bag full of kine bud but for some reason Nicole wouldn’t let me/us except. It was like $400 worth of serious weed. We were both poor and could have sold it! Or smoked it. I wanted to give some to my Savannah obsession, Craig, who worked with us at the OPH. Hadass, gets it. She worked with him at Seasons and she had a crush on him but I was full blown in love. I could (and did) literally talk about him for hours at a time. I was 20 so my infatuation was kind of adorable and just a little bit pathetic.

Nicole and I were held up at gunpoint one night after we hit up Goth Night (also bottomless cup night!) at Club One. We were so scared we ran into what we though was a small corner pub but turned out to be gay leather bar. Another time we were on Tybee Island for her birthday where we got drunk on Margaritas at Skipper’s, then played in the ocean fully dressed. What happened next is still kind of fuzzy but I think we lost the person who drove us there and we had to walk from one end of the island to the lighthouse where my friend Maime lived so she could drive us back to the mainland. I remember we got lost wandering around an arboretum… Our bizarre misadventures are countless and we are in talks to taking on Thailand next year.

Nicole rocks. She is an amazing photographer and a kind, sensitive, complex woman. Best of all, she is raising a second generation Aut, Colleen reader. Welcome Nicole!


Hadass said...

Ahhhh... Craig! Remember Moishe when we went to Middleton for that field trip and discovered our mutual love for Craig and could not stop talking about him the entire trip? Good times, good times!

Colleen said...

We discovered our mutual love at Churchills one afternoon when our Recording We-No class got cancelled.

Colleen said...

Was Middleton that place in South Carolina in Eileen McGonigle's class where we walked around a garden behind this really strange girl who was talking about how she had a plumber come to her apartment to fix the toilet and they ended up having sex? If so that was also the trip that inspired one of my most famous paintings. I wish I still had that.
I love you Hadass!

KEITH said...

Wait, I read about that girl in Penthouse! The plummer thought it would never happen to him . . .

Hadass said...

Yes that was Middleton. I wish you still has that painting too. Every time I think about that it makes me smile. If only everyone could have seen this painting. It was Tim Burton's interpretation of Middleton Inn. The trip itself was very pleasant and it was a beautiful day, but in Colleen's picture, it looked like we visited some kind of puppy mill in a thunderstorm. That is one of my favorite memories with you. Remember we also talked about Alex and his girlfriend on that trip too.

Colleen said...

Actually it did rain at one point at Middleton.

We did talk about Alex and his girlfriend. In Dickensheet's class at Nicklesonboro Baptist Church (btw, we had a lot of field work in our classes at SCAD for those who didn't go to college with us)he and I were the only ones there and out of nowhere he sat down on the ground next to me and told me all about his problem's with his family and how he feel's like he lets them down and the pressures of being the son of a billionare Greek shipping magnate. It was a very unexpected heart to heart. The next semester he went to Lacoste France and it wasn't really the same when he got back.

Hadass said...

I remember he gave me a piece of vellum paper once so I wouldn't have to go to Ex Libris and buy a piece. I figured he could afford it.

Colleen said...

Ooooh, vellum. Please, I could have given you vellum. Now, if he gave you 140lb Cold Pressed watercolor paper that would have been a different story.

Hadass said...

You did not have any vellum to give. I am not saying it was some magical moment. I am just stating the facts.