Tuesday, September 4, 2007

"You're Like a Whitney Houston Song and I'm Like Whitney Houston After Everything Went Wrong"

That is a lyric off the hereafters' self titled album which I think is pretty great.
I also think this picture is pretty amazing. I don't know who these kids are or where I found this online or if whoever took it realized its subliminal brilliance but maybe that is part of what makes it so interesting to me. The colors, the composition, the emotion carried between the indoor and outdoor space with the child at the window creating three distinct planes... I could easily write an essay on this picture. I won't, but I could.
I wonder if this would qualify as "found art".


KEITH said...

I like that the snowman only has one eye. It sort of gives the whole thing an ominous feel.

Hadass said...

I think you are missing art history a little too much.

I think you should write an essay on it. You know, for old times sake.

Kate said...

Love the tension caused by the juxtaposition of youth's despair vs. youth's fragile inocence. Is inocence maintained and further represented by the white snow, or is the subtle melting of the snow symbolizing the end of winter AND childhood carefreeness? And the boy in the window, is he saved from the outside world of sin and temptation or held prisoner by it? And lastly, the hunched over snowman is a man not quite grown, or a man past his prime returning to nature? With his all seeing eye, one could see the snowman as a representation of America's capitalist society and the rise and/or fall of its economic empire. So complex, so brilliant! Sub-prime mortgage rates and global warming, America's downfall?

Colleen said...

That - THAT, is why I love you Kate. By getting this photograph you get me.

I miss art theory...

Hadass said...

I GET the photo. I just don't GET why we need to analyze it.

It doesn't mean anything. The person that took it was taking a cute picture of their children playing in the snow. Way to overanyalyze it there Daves!

Kate said...

Why you gotta hate, yo?

Colleen said...

It doesn’t mean anything? Have you lost your damn mind? Is this the same girl who once told me that it was from Kate Chopin’s "The Awakening" that she learned what it ment to be an artist? You think we are overanalyzing? And you call yourself SCAD alum! Shame on you! That dismissive attitude about unconventional art is appalling and if I didn’t know any better I would think a statement like that had come from someone who went to some joe blow no name school (RISD)and refuses to watch movies with subtitles!

"Art is whatever you can get away with."
-Andy Warhol

Kate said...

No you didn't just bring RISD into this...DANG, GRRL! So edgy, so daring, mad props!
(Yes, I am this bored at work today)