Friday, November 30, 2007

Where is Amnesty International?

No mention of Amnesty yet. I send them $50 a year so do you think that is enough of a contribution to complain about their lack of involvement in this poor woman's defense? This story had me really upset since I first read about it. Especially since Autumn is in an Islamic country at the moment.
Lashings? Execution? Imprisonment? Are you angry too?


KEITH said...

I'm angry! I always thought that insulting religion was a right, not a crime.

Colleen said...

But why is AI not doing anything? And it's not like she named the teddy that; the kids did! Would it be blasphemy if I named my Ken doll Jesus when I was little (not now - that would just be weird).

And even if insulting religion is against the law (is flag buring still legal or illegal?) is it really necessary to be punishable by a firing squad. And how cute is that woman?

KEITH said...

I’m hesitant to denounce Amnesty International because I’m not all that familiar with their mission and the scope of what they do. Can’t we just blame the backwards government of Sudan and the angry mob, which roves its countryside? Aren’t they the real villains here?

Colleen said...

I want to see that $50 put to good use!

Kate said...

I'm kinda torn on this one. Yes, I think that the punishment seems extreme....but I'm not Muslim. Remember the riots caused by political cartoons of Muhammad? Maybe if I were a western educator, I would try to read up on what is and isn't appropriate in the culture of the country in which I am teaching. And definitely play by their rules and be aware of the possible repercussions. No, I don't think that the naming of the teddy bear had any anti-Islam intention. And yes, you would think that there would be less severe ways to mediate the situation....but this is the same country that is hosting a pretty nasty genocide. So, I'm not sure if I would expect to be able to talk my way out of stuff. Yet, regardless of my inner conflict about globalization and religious/cultural impeding, you do deserve to get your 50 bucks worth, Colleen. Fight it hard, I got your back.