Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I always wondered who listened to them.

That is what my sister said to me when she saw the Babyshambles CD in my car. Well, I loved The Libertines' first album and although nothing else that they or Pete Doherty put out after delivered the same way I continued to check them out. Sex, drugs, rock & roll gang. He is like our generation's Keith Moon but unfortunately with the press everywhere there is no mystery here. When I listen to bands like Pantera or Metallica (May at WYSP FM 94.1 is Maytallica month) I like to imagine how cool it must be to be a rock star. I dream about being back stage taking in the smell of stale cigarettes and sweat, the floor sticky from spilled Jack Daniels, and the sound of squealing groupies with their feathered hair and cut off tanks. Seeing these guys pasty and disoriented with their shirts stained with their own vomit being hauled off to rehab ruins it for me. Sure, this kind of music is not my primary listening but I get it. It is an escape into another world, like playing with Barbies. Actually seeing the total mess these men turn their lives into brings it down to that hard cold reality I don’t want to think about when I am lying on my bed zoning out to my music. Their life has to be cooler than mine, right? I don't want to hear, let alone see proof that it isn't. So it’s a shame that Pete’s antics have now made him a joke with people who never listened to The Libertines and with what we have all seen, that label is valid. He crossed the line which is even thinner now in the YouTube/gossip blog era. Sad, I know.

The upside – Perez posted this quote from Pete Doherty made about his ex beau Kate Moss that I find very amusing.

- “She rang last night and left a drunken answerphone message, singing Moon River. She’s ripped my heart out. I don’t know what I’m doing.”

Moon River? Who knew she was a Johnny Mercer/Henry Mancini fan?
Me too!!!


Hadass said...

I thought that was interesting too. And oddly sweet. You said that he is like Keith Moon, but I think they are like this generation's Sid and Nancy, although maybe not quite that tragic. It is kind of scary romantic the connection and hold they have with one another. And he seems like he is always on the verge of life. It honestly wouldn't suprise me one day to hear that he has killed her and himself, one of those "if I can't have her, then nobody can" stories.

Hadass said...

I like that picture. How very Bonnie and Clyde like.

Colleen said...

Did you ever see "Sid & Nancy" with Gary Oldham? It is pretty great. Courtney Love has a cameo.

Hadass said...

I saw part of it. It was on one of the IFC channels one day, back when I had cable. I don't remember why I didn't watch the whole thing. Maybe I had to leave or something. I wanted to watch it though. I have always heard good things about it.

Kate said...

Colin got me into Libertines last summer.....not so much got me into them as more like shoved them down my throat. He's a bit obsessed with good ol' Pete. Pete and Kate are even his friends on myspace AND he seriously believes that they each check in on him via myspace and really care. The past year or so have been rough on Colin, what with all the turmoil between Pete and Kate. His latest hopes of their reconciliation were smashed with runors that Pete is back with a prior ex. To him, speaking well of Pete is speaking well of Colin....speaking poorly of Pete is like watching someone shoot his dog.
I mentioned the Keith Moon comparison to him....he didn't like it. If you had mayspace, he would have told you all about it.

Colleen said...

Hey Kate, I know what would cheer Colin up...

Kate said...


Colleen said...

I'll cheer him up next time I visit.

Kate said...

I'll let him know.

Hadass said...

You have got to be joking, right Coll? I mean, don't get me wrong, I like Colin, but come on, that thing has been in some pretty rough places.