Thursday, July 5, 2007

Know What I Really Hate?


Oh, and people who object to unionized labor. Say something negative about labor unions and just watch me get all Norma Rae on your ass.
Don't get me started, don't even get me started...


KEITH said...

Didn't Oscar Wilde say “The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about”?

That's kind of how I feel about unions.

Hadass said...

Will is in the union and as many problems as he has with it, he knows he is better off with it than without it.

Don't even get me started on how much I hate insurance.

Kate said...

I hate when things change. That said, brace yourselves.....
Pinkies got rid of their juke box and got an internet one, AND got 2 Hepa filters.
What's the world coming to?

Colleen said...

What's next? Are they going to take away the popcorn machine? Start serving cocktails is glasses as opposed to plastic cups?

That's fucked up. You should beat the shit out of Carol for letting that happen Kate.

Hadass said...

Forget about Jane magazine, I think the real moment of silence is for the jukebox and Pinkie's.

What the hell do you mean an internet one? Does it have the same selection of songs? Because that would break my heart. I might cry anyways just sitting here thinking about it.