Monday, July 23, 2007

I've Had it With You, and Mexico Can Fucking Wait

Friday I purchased two Rilo Kiley tickets for September 25th at the Troc. I was just going to get one but I think it might be fun to attend with another fan. I haven't seen a show with someone else in a while so If you are interested let me know.
People who aren't familiar with the band at all need not apply.

In other news there is no real news. I had a wonderful low key relaxing weekend, Clay came home last night, and I have been trying to get rid of my old couch so if you know someone... Downside is I haven't really thought of anything interesting to write about but don't worry, I will think of something soon. Probably because I have been happily cutting the stressful fat out and feel a bit lighter. Like when you get a haircut. The only thing that has me bummed is how I am going to miss Rufus and Neko on the 17th. I was thinking maybe Leslie could wheel me in on a gurney to try to get backstage pretending it is some adult Make a Wish Foundation shit.
Hey, it could happen.

How cute is this vintage Jenny Lewis picture?


Hadass said...

I would love to see Rilo Kiley with you, but since that is the week of my wedding anniversary, I don't think that would fly.

Kate said...

I haven't been to the Troc in for ever. That alone can be an experience......or have they fixed it up? Last I heard, they got rid of the pee trough.