Monday, July 9, 2007

Sweet Sweet Jane...

Before I crawl under my desk to curl up in fetal position and sob, I am so sad to report that Jane Magazine is ceasing publication. This comes ironically since I just read How Sassy Changed My Life. Editor Jane Pratt left leaving doppelganger Brandon Holley in her place so maybe that had something to do with all of this. Jane Pratt is one of my heroes for her fearless ambition that made her into one of youngest magazine editors ever with Sassy. She created a publication that wasn’t afraid to be entirely different than any other woman’s magazine out there. She did a great service to her devoted readers. Her ability to understand young women who were not of cheerleader prom queen stock was revolutionary by shouting the message that its ok to be a different, weird, eccentric, ugly, beautiful, smart, stupid, gay, slutty, virginal, poor, rich, fat, skinny, depressed, happy (and everything in between) woman. People called it a feminist magazine; I call it a reflection of everything that is feminine. Because of Ms. Pratt’s significantly relevant contribution, the entire definition of feminity is evolving into the idea is that as long as you are a woman; whatever you are, whoever you are, and whatever you choose to do is feminine. Not feminist.

A moment of silece please.

Jane, your readers will miss you more than you will ever know.

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