Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Don't Tell Me Anything Interesting Because I Am Now Devoid of Personality

Yesterday I watched four hours of Charm School on VH1. You know, the Flavor of Love spin off. Best thing I ever did. It was like instead of sticking an ice pick in my eye socket and removing my frontal lobe, my lobotomy was performed by watching a crap marathon. Now my coworkers are commenting on my new subdued state and the faraway look in my eyes. Mindlessness really is bliss and I bet I will have much better luck with men as I am practically a Stepford wife now. My childlike curiosity and need to accumulate as much useless knowledge as possible is…gone…see, I can’t even think of good 50¢ word to use to make the sentence a little more interesting. No desire to consult my trusty thesaurus either.

So, the point is that I have nothing to say, no witty anecdotes, all my favorite French euphemisms that I have devised escape me, and all I want to do is go home and paint still lifes. If only Rose Kennedy and Frances Farmer were still alive so that maybe we could get together and form a “Vacantly Stare at the Wall” Club. That would be...nice.

A side note; Zander my heart, you should not want to post anonymously. As one of the top two funniest people I have ever known you should want to proudly share your gift with the rest of the class.

Call me God Dammit! Its been too long!

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