Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Timmy the Homeowner and Autumn the Scientist

My brother officially now owns real estate. He made settlement on a two bedroom house just a few blocks away from his big sister. It has a nice sized kitchen, bathroom, and an enviously large back yard. The day he moved in I came over like a good sister would to help him set up (when I say “help” I mean sitting on his couch drinking beer and watching Ghostbusters). Seriously though, he has a lot of wallpaper scraping ahead of him and I am ready and willing to lend a hand as he was so great to me when I moved into my house.

Most people would be a little put off by a sibling following their lead and setting up camp so close to them. My mother was peeved after she and my father moved to Jersey from Philly and her sister (my Aunt Patty) moved with Uncle Nick to onto the same street. I attribute my uncomfortable relationship with my cousin Rebecca to growing up in such close proximity. We share many of the same bad traits (vain, impatient, preoccupation with material possessions, talking shit, stuff like that…) and nobody likes to see that kind of reflection of themselves.

I digress. I happen to like my brother being so close. He has a flat screen TV with all the good extras and channels like HBO and lets me walk on over Sunday nights to watch the Sopranos. I am sad to say that I am the only one of my siblings that does not own a kegerator. But not every girl can go to their brother and sister’s houses and drink beer from the tap. Tim will also help me lift heavy things and set up electronic equipment; tasks that I am hopelessly lost on.

All in all I got a pretty sweet set up.

That is not the only great accomplishment lately in the O clan. May 19th I am going up to Rhode Island to see my sister graduate. Dr. Autumn is getting her PhD in biological oceanography. As the premiere smarty pants in our family I am ridiculously proud of her and applaud, nay, stand up and cheer for her and her great accomplishment.

I have done nothing lately to make mom and dad proud. I got to come up with something good quick so I prove that I am worthy of love...


KEITH said...

Hey, didn't you visit your father everyday before work while he was recovering from his heart thing? That's got to count for something. Also, you just got that big promotion at work and you're going to be a member of the Union League! If that doesn't buy parental love, I don't know what will.

Hadass said...

I think that nowadays, if you have a steady job and your own home, most parents are automatically pretty proud. You have a great job and a great home and you're moving up in the world. You don't have to have a flat screen and a keg and a PhD to get love, but they do help.

Hadass said...

Ummmm... what exactly does Dr. Autumn do with that degree?

You know, I would love to go to school and get my masters and PhD just so people can call me Dr. How cool is that?!

Colleen said...

i was joking weirdos. but still, i think more people would love me if i had more beer.

Kate said...

As you know, I have 4 brothers. I rate my love for them based upon their kegerator/beer holds. Tommy and Kevin have a kegerator that they stole from former roommate, Woody. Tommy, however, is still manager of Lee's, and so he also supplies hoagies with his beer. Mike does not have a kegerator, he moved out of the Ryan bro pad to share a house with his ex-girlfriend's mom (wierdo!), but he always has good cold 'gourmet' beer ready at his place. Frankie is only 13 and has no beer, and doesn't even want anything to do with beer. so, there you have it. Love= Tommy, Kev (aka: Fast Eddy), Mike, Frankie

Hadass said...

Beer does make the world a better place. I should start rating my friends based on their ability to provide me with free alcohol. Let's see... wait... I have no friends that are like that. What a bunch of cheap skates! I think I need new friends.

KEITH said...

Is your brother watching Men in Black?

Hadass said...

I was just wondering the same thing. What is he watching?

Colleen said...

It is some video game. It is the day he set up the tv and is trying to adjust something. i like how the person on the screen appears to be looking at him.