Friday, May 11, 2007

Take A Bite of This

On June 3rd my favorite Philly band The Teeth are making an in store appearance at FYE on the fist floor on my office building (100 S. Broad). Stop by if you work near me. Also, I am hitting these two shows below if anyone wants to come with. New Hope is a really cool town so we can do dinner and walk around before the show. The Jefferson Sq. show should be fun too. No problem if you aren’t interested. I know I’m a loser. Such a loser I went to see them play at the Khyber on my birthday a couple years ago. Alone.

May 26 2007
John and Peters
New Hope

Jun 20 2007
Jefferson Square Park

Since I am on the subject of how much of a loser I am I think I can pinpoint the lowest level of loserdom that I descended too. One Saturday night this winter I made dinner, poured a glass of wine, and settled in to watch a PBS documentary on the Shakers. No, not on TV, I rented it. Yes, I rented it.


Hadass said...

You are just a nerd at heart, Colleen. If I lived alone, I would probably do something like that to just to shake things up a bit. Sometimes I miss the alone time a little bit, because I would go to Blockbuster and rent the really obscure movies that looked interesting or fun. Will is not so much up for that. Maybe I can sneak one in on him sometime.

So were the Shakers everything you thought they would be?

*I just realized it, but truly no pun intended by that "shake things up a bit" comment.*

Colleen said...

The Shakers are a peaceful fascinating people. They are pacifists and follow the teachings of Jesus to the letter. They lived communally and there would be people who they would call “winter Shakers” who would just join in the winter pretending they were into the religion just for food and shelter. Even though they knew this they welcomed them in with no judgment every time. The religion was started by a woman and there were no gender or race biases, everyone was truly equal.

They were brilliant inventers and craftsmen too and developed really inventive ways to grow and harvest crops. When vagabonds and even animals ate their crops they didn’t do anything to keep them away, they would just plant more to accommodate them. They are dying out because they don’t marry or have sex so they have to depend on people joining the religion. It’s quite a beautiful faith actually. Their architecture is minimalist and sublime. They are known to be in New England but there is/was a large settlement in Kentucky where there excellent examples of Shaker furniture and houses.

KEITH said...

Sounds like fun! Mark me down, tentatively, for the New Hope show. I’ll confirm closer to the date.

Hadass said...

That picture of the baby with the teeth is a little disturbing. At first I thought it was cute, but the more times I look at it, I am not so sure about it anymore.