Monday, May 7, 2007

Perez Day!

Everybody who knows me knows I love Perez Hilton. Its on my daily. Today was a particularly special day as I found an email in my inbox from him replying to one I sent a couple weeks ago telling him how fab I thought he was. His reply:

Thanks for the email Colleen!
Sorry it took me so long to get back to you.
Sometimes I get swamped with email. I get over 5,000 a day. However, I read them all and I really do appreciate you sending me this.
Thanks again!

Today was interesting too as I found a picture of Ginger Spice on Perez that looked just like my ex-friend Crazy Nicole (see pics).

Attention fellas: Perez posted an uncensored picture of the side of Natalie Portman's boob if you are interested.


KEITH said...

Good looking out, Colleen.

Hadass said...

I love Perez! You should mention about how my wedding pic was on there. Oh, well, I guess I just mentioned it. Colleen and I took a "We love Perez" picture together at my wedding and sent it to him. It was on the website about a month later. It was the most gratifying day of my life.

Colleen said...

More gratifying than your wedding?

Hadass said...

Okay, the second most gratifying day.