Monday, June 18, 2007

Can't You See I'm On the Fucking Phone?

This is how most of my afternoon went. These are my responses to everyone who wouldn’t leave me the hell alone. And yeah, we drop the F-bomb here at ASI all the time
No, I can’t do it right now. - Master Card just called me to tell me that there are fraudulent charges on my account. – No, I’m on hold. - Tell Scott I’ll call him back. – Tell him I promise. Yeah, as soon as I get off the phone.

I’m sorry but I will have to get it for you later. -Yeah, I’m going to be a while. - No, I have to call the shop where my car is at after this. - I am having a problem with the thermostat and I need a new water pump. – I know that fucking sucks. Tell me something I don’t know - I had it towed this morning and my brother drove me in - I’ll take a cab home.

No, I’m still on hold – if your going up can you just get me a Diet Coke and some crackers? – No, Club crackers.

Just put her through to my voicemail. - Well, then can you just take a message? - Tell her I will call her back as soon as I can. - I know she’s upset but she’ll deal. – Tell her what happened to my CC and car and she’ll understand.

Yes, I know we have a meeting but just tell them to wait in the back. – Can’t you help them get started? – Yes Dan, I’m still on the phone. – Well call Mike and ask him! – Wait, hold on. I got someone. – It will have to wait until tomorrow, I just got a person.

For the love of God people can’t you see I’m on the fucking phone!

And this is a picture of me and Tanya at Belmont Stakes. I got a commemorative glass with my Belmont Breeze. Like a sea breeze but less alcohol. And at $10, more expensive.


KEITH said...

I think my favorite line in that is "I know that fucking sucks. Tell me something I don’t know." It's a very astute observation.

Hadass said...

Hey I had car problems too yesteday. What a coinky- dink?! My car would not come out of park. How annoying is that? No credit card issues though.