Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Taking some "Me" time

I realize that the caliber of my posts has been on a steady decline due in part to my rigorous daily posting schedule. The past few days I could not think of anything that I wanted to write about even though things, many things, that happened to me recently are very funny. The dilemma is if I can't write them funny what's the point? I don't claim to be a great writer but I know that I am an entertaining writer. I feel that I must take more time to really consider the merit of posts and not put things up all willy nilly. Otherwise, I feel that this may turn into some 22 year old girl's open diary. That would be sub par to my standards which, as I have made apparent, are not terribly high to begin with. Also, I don't want this to be about me and things I do really, but books, music, pop culture, people, politics, and so on, that affect me or at least make me think. Ok yes, some will still just be entirely about me.

On that note I decided to address this issue by taking a posting sabbatical from time to time to ensure that the quantity does not affect the quality. In essence, be prepared for less frequent postings until I become a wittier lady.

Its for everybody sake. I do hope you understand.

That being said, before I break I must say that though I do not believe that Paris Hilton is not going to become a whole different person, I do think her desire to change her ways is sincere. It won't happen over night but it is my hope she will hit a nice stride where she balances the old frivolous Paris with one who will try to make a change.

She always appeared to be waxy and artificial in photos but in this one showing her exit from jail she looks beautiful. Radiant.


Hadass said...

She looks that way because all she had to fix herself up with in jail was some vaseline, an emery board, some cotton swabs, and a brown eyebrow pencil that she bought from the jail store. Although I have to admit she is prettier without all that makeup. Maybe she should concentrate on the idea of "less is more", although that is in contradiction of the whole concept behind being a Hilton.

You are witty whether you think you are or not. I get a giggle out of most of your postings.

KEITH said...

I also think that you're being a little hard on yourself but if you feel like you need to take some time off, I guess we'll just have to deal with that.

But I want you to know that the interweb just got a little less interesting.