Thursday, June 14, 2007

Can you spot Charley?

Here is proof that being a big dork is in my blood.

This is my sister’s dart team “I’m With Charley” that she has with her science nerd friends.

She and her husband Special Ed are on the left.

You can buy one of their new shirts, which I am sure you all will.


Hadass said...

What is supposed to be the meaning behind "I'm with Charley"? Is that some science term that I am not getting, or is the leader of the group's name Charley? Or is Charley anybody at all?

Colleen said...

You dummy! He is the guy in the middle of the picture! Clearly!

Hadass said...

Oh yes, clearly. Why did I not notice that before. Boy, I am a dummy. It was so obvious right there in front of my face. I should have known who Charley was. Because, after all, who doesn't?

Sam said...

Thanks for this - I bought this shirt at a thrift store in central Virginia and wondered where it came from. Now I know.