Wednesday, June 6, 2007

The Solution To All My Problems

I was going to wait till I did it to share but I just can’t. I’m too excited about my new plan. As always, it starts with a story…

Last night around 8 I got out of my Pilates class in Northern Liberties and as usual on my way back to my car I stoped at the stables behind Liberties Walk to feed the horses. I find it very peaceful and therapeutic plus I think the horses like the company. Well, I was doing just that when I heard Harry Kalas’s (Phillies long time broadcaster) voice coming from the backyard of a house adjacent to the stable. I walked over to peak my head over the wooden fence and saw three guys, about my age, sitting on lawn chairs, drinking beer, and watching the game on a T.V. they pulled outside. T.V. outside? Brilliant!

Here’s the thing; I like to watch baseball and Clay, not so much. Clay usually monopolizes the T.V. which is fine cos we like most of the same stuff and he pays rent so I don’t want to rock the boat. Besides, asking him to give up the T.V. for Phillies games every night isn’t exactly the same as when I make him let me watch Two and a Half Men on Mondays. Oh well, I figured if I really wanted to watch it I could just go to Timmy’s house now that he lives so close to me.

Back to Northern Liberties… I guess I was so fascinated by the idea of watching televised games outside that I didn’t realize how long I had been standing there till one of them got up to get another beer out of the cooler and spotted me. Then they were all looking at me. I froze. “Uh, hi. I’m sorry, I was just waiting to hear the score…” Not a bad recovery I don’t think considering I totally dorked it. “No its cool” one of them laughed while he opened the gate. I felt even more stupid when he looked down and saw that I was holding 2 carrots and a handful of sugar cubes (for the horses). “Want a beer and watch with us for a bit?” At this point I thought fleeing would make me look even weirder so I tentatively and awkwardly walked into the yard, sat down on the cooler and sipped the Amstel Light they handed me. I stayed for two innings making small talk and such before I told them that I better be on my way, thanked them for the beer, and went home.

On my drive back I figured that I could put our extra T.V. in the back window and watch the games every night sitting outside in my backyard on a lawn. I can see myself lighting some citronella candles, grilling vegetables on the hibachi taking full advantage of warm summer evenings. Pure bliss.

As soon as I figure out the cable wiring logistics I will be gearing up for the best summer ever!


Hadass said...

Were any of the guys cute or date-able? I imagine that would have been a major turn on to them- a cute girl watching the game with them, drinking a beer, hanging out, plus you were super cool and didn't pull the shy card and run away.

Colleen said...

yeah, all of them were and they didn't think i was a weirdo for standing there looking over their fence at them which is always a plus. they told me i was free to stop by whenever i saw them watching which is nice.

no dating. im taking myself out of the game for the time being. work on my house and catch up on my reading. oh, and watch baseball in my backyard.