Wednesday, June 20, 2007

who likes to smoke? enjoys a joke?

I love The White Stripes. I mean, who doesn’t? Even my dad listens to them. Though, is it possible that one could love The White Stripes too much?

I think so.


KEITH said...

I only know their song about Citizen Kane. Yeah, that's how I approach life.

Hadass said...

Colleen and I were on this mission to find out if Jack and Meg were exes or brother and sister. I still think they are brother and sister. God, she was so into Jack White.

I realized in watching the end of the AFI list last night that I have never actually seen "Citizen Kane". I think I may rent it this weekend.

Colleen said...

Shut up Hadass! I was SO into Jack White back in like 2002 it was sad. I collected magazine clippings and shit about him. It was bad.

Whatev. I still think he is sexy as hell even if he is married to ugly model girl.

Kate said...

They're totally exes. My buddy, Ted with no stomach, used to hang out with them in Detroit.
PS: Citizen Kane is a super terrific movie. Even better than John Tucker.

Hadass said...

You have a friend with no stomach? How does he eat?

I don't mean it like a bad thing that you were in to Jack White. He is sexy in his grungey weird way. I like his voice.

They sure do look a lot alike to be exes.

Kate said...

For eating, he just chews and swallows....just don't ask about how it comes out.

Hadass said...

Where do you meet these people?

Kate said...

The life of an archaeologist is hard. Always teetering between historian and scientist, never knowing where you fit in. Projects rarely take place in areas of high population. Its much more common to be out in the middle of nowhere looking at land that hasn't had much happen to it since Columbus. Whats left is a lot of hard-drinking misfits in cow pastures futily debating the ins and outs of prehistoric civilization. And every now and then one doesn't have a stomach.

Colleen said...

I love you Kate.