Friday, April 20, 2007

Alec Baldwin is The New Tom Sizemore

Listen to this voicemail Alec Baldwin left on his daughter Ireland’s phone.

Holy shit! What a freak! I haven't heard such a scary voicemail since the ones Tom Sizemore left Heidi Fleiss.

Courtesy of TMZ


Hadass said...

I have heard this 3 times now today and he is still such a creep. Being a child of divorce, you automatically feel like the divorce is your fault somehow. To talk to his daughter like that when this has to be ten times harder on her than him, that is uncalled for. My dad left me a few not nice messages at times, mainly when he was mad at my mom and trying to put me in the middle, and my mom said some not nice things to me sometimes for the same reason, but never anything like that. He is the pig.

KEITH said...

I like how he's unsure of his daughter's age.


Kate said...

2 things suck about this:
1) I'm at work and am supposed to be busy, so can't listen to it at the moment

2) After several years (like 20) I had finally made up my mind to really like Alec Baldwin after nearly wetting my pants during his Tony Bennet Show on SNL (ok, let me explain here that i turned on SNL after being out at the bar). Now, from these comments, I can only assume I'm going to have to reconsider this whole Alec Baldwin thing again.
thankfully it hasn't taken 20 years to make up my mind about any other Baldwin. The one that became the preacher is now on my 'only interested if he preaches people to do something crazy/only interested if he decides to make an impossible run for office' list. The one thats a drunk is suddenly back on the 'person of interest to look through online tabloids for while wasting time at work' list.

Colleen said...

I LOVED how he didn't know her age either. what a fucking lunatic.

Time for me to start making my TEAM BASINGER t-shirts.

Though on second thought, i bet it was kim who leaked it. tres classy...

Hadass said...

If I were her I would have leaked it too. He has done nothing but bash her this whole time in the media at what a horrible mother and person she is. I think she did the right thing by leaking it and letting people know what a scumbag he really is. Especially since he has this hit show on right now and everybody loves him.

Note to self: maybe when you call your daughter and leave her a message like that, you research her birthdate first. Thank god he didn't say her name on the message, he probably would have called her Scotland. Major faux pas.

Hadass said...

My favorite Baldwin is Billy, even though he doesn't do anything anymore, he was still the hottest at one point in time. Also, he is married to Chyna Phillips. Who could go wrong when you are dealing with the Mamas and the Papas and the supergroup that was Wilson Phillips.

Colleen said...

Um Hadass, read up on Mackenzie Philips and Bijou Philips. When dealing with John Philips you can go wrong, horribly wrong.

Hadass said...

I know they have issues, but I am talking about the music. The Mamas and the Papas are classic. And Wilson Phillips was the best band ever!

KEITH said...

Actually, Billy has an awesome role as a pompous actor in American Fork which will hopefully hit theaters at some point. So, keep an eye out.