Wednesday, April 18, 2007

C'mon Get Happy!

Ok, so I have been a little glum this week but who can blame me? The weather, the Virginia Tech shootings (you know I was crying about that at work when I first read it), and I had a shitty board meeting where people nit picked my minutes which pissed me off cos I got suckered into being the Secretary because nobody else would do it. Monday was also one of those days when I didn’t like my outfit. It made me look like an elf (which is how I think I look in pictures most of the time) and I was uncomfortable. My skirt kept twisting around, the crotch of my tights kept moving south, my bra straps were too loose, and my slip on shoes were falling off when I walked.

Luckily I know how to remedy these occasional mood slumps the old fashioned way. First indulge, but make sure you don’t do it alone. I had a few glasses of wine and a grilled cheese sandwich with tomato soup at Jones the other night. Yum. I have very kind and witty friends too so that helps.

Once that is out of my system I have some no fail cures for the mean reds:

1. My pineapple smoothie. The point of making this is moot if you do not drink it out of the pineapple. Get yourself a pineapple corer at a kitchen store and it will be like your new paring knife. Its that important. Empty out the pinapple and throw the fruit into the blender with some soy milk, mixed berries, honey, or whatever you may have around the house. I like to make mine with a vanilla Ensure (the old people drink) and some ice. Blend to desired consistency then pour back into the hollowed out pineapple and enjoy. I also recommend that you drink this while watching Muriel’s Wedding. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry and you’ll fall in love with Toni Collette all over again.

2. Mini Tramp, everyone should have one. I like to watch taped episodes of the Golden Girls or Designing Women while I bounce my troubles away.

3. Working out. I am a pilates girl at heart but when I am blue I mix it up a bit like I did this week by taking an intense hour and a half yoga class where I practiced my headstands and crow (see pic. I am really good at it I can even do a pushup in this pose. Its pretty impressive). Even if you suck at yoga you will leave with this feeling of accomplishment that you showed up and completed something that is good for you. Like the feeling you get when you finally quit smoking for good.

2. Catch up on correspondence. Everybody loves to get fun stuff in the mail and it makes you feel good to know you are going to make someone happy when they get home from work.

3. Finally, get a good nights sleep. I know when your depressed you just want to lay on your couch and watch Comedy Central till the wee hours of the morning but resist this temptation. It will only make you tired and cranky the next day at work, not cheerful and refreshed.

Try a few of these and I assure you that you will go from Franny Glass to Pollyanna in no time.

If none of this works, give me a call and we will figure it out together.

1 comment:

Hadass said...

I personally will be trying the pineapple smoothie and the good night's sleep tonight. I will let you know how those tips worked.

"Who lives in a pineapple under the sea..."