Monday, April 2, 2007

I Am a Little Nuts. Like You Don't Know That Already

I am notoriously fickle about men. I like someone one day, don’t the next, and then back to liking him again, same old story over and over. Keeping in this tradition I decided to add a new spin since I was under the impression that this time would be different. I was wrong, dead wrong. On the upside I think I learned something from this past week:

If you are at a restaurant and see a guy you think is cute, do not have the waiter give him your number if you don’t expect him to call and don’t really want him to either. You may get what seems like a million calls from him wanting to go out with you. Go figure. Doing this is essentially fucking with the guy's head and that is never a nice thing to do.

I would advise people to learn from my mistake but I doubt most people would make it.

Speaking of nuts; I read up on coconut oil/butter and it is ridiculously good for you and has many uses. You can buy it at health store such as the Vitamin Shoppe and it come in solid form but it melts at a very low heat. It has a light flavor so the coconut is not overwhelming and can be used in cooking and baking as a canola/butter substitute. Cats love it so give them a little to aid in their digestion and make their fur soft and shiny. This will do the same for your hair if you eat it. It is also a great moisturizer for your skin. I used it to shave my legs this weekend and it made my legs super soft. Try it today!


KEITH said...

Don't forget to make sure that a guy isn't really short before you hit on him . . . or foreign.

Hadass said...

I was not aware that this blog would be so educational and informative. I was just expecting it to be like therapy without the couch. I guess I can cancel that subscription to Women's Health now.