Thursday, April 19, 2007

I thought it was a bird but it was just a paper bag...

Remember grab bags? I loved them. When I swam competitively I remember Speedo would have bathing suit grab bags. You would get the bag with your size and there would be some random patterned suit in it. I preferred it over picking my own suit. I was buying my own surprise. Tunes, a CD store in Marlton, New Jersey had CD grab bags and in High School I would go there and buy one and there would be 3 crappy CDs in there by people I had never heard of. I always took them home, listened to them, and more often than not, sold them back to the store using that money to purchase another grab bag and the cycle continued.

I am currently compiling an easy breezy spring mix for y’all but I can’t seem to get it just right so it might take me a couple more weeks. In the meantime I am going to do my own grab bag CD offer. Post or email me and I will burn you a few random CDs and send them in a stapled brown paper bag just like a real old fashion grab bag. How can you pass up an offer like that? I am really going to mix it up so you may get Stevie Nicks with Judas Priest and maybe some Uncle Tupelo thrown in there too. Who knows what I will come up with?!


Kate said...

count me in for a grab bag. they used to have pink bags fro girls and blue bags for boys at the dollar store. i always wondered what the difference would be between boy dollar store crap and girl dollar store crap. not saying i don't shop for, and kinda love, dollar store crap. maybe girls get scented candles and cucumber melon lotion, and boys get a box of toothpicks and shaving cream. who knows?

Hadass said...

I will take a grab bag. I am always up for a musical surprise.

They still have the dollar store grab bags. I have never thought of getting one. Maybe I will get one of each for the hell of it. I mean, they are only a $1, right? If it is truly crap, I didn't waste too much on it.

KEITH said...

I want a grab bag too!

We can get together and I'll return your photos.