Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Colleen is a C**t

I would like to say the MySpace/Facebook thing was totally bitchy of me. I realize it is hypocritical to criticize stupid things people are into as stupid interests are the bedrock of which the foundation of my personality is built upon. It was a classical case of criticizing what I don’t understand. I don’t understand it and it probably is because I am an old fart. And making fun of the models was a tad catty. Models are people too y'all!


KEITH said...

Um, apology accepted?

Hadass said...

I thought the models were funny. And MySpace is stupid. Your argument for MySpace was valid in the context that you were making it. Nobody their space, just like you said you don't own this space. Don't be so hard on yourself. Maybe it was hypocritical, but it is your website blog, so you can say what you want. And for the people who don't like it, they can get their own blog. Don't censor yourself.

Hadass said...

I meant to say nobody owns their space. My typing got carried away.

Hadass said...

And if it really means that much to you, you are forgiven. Although I was not offended.

KEITH said...

And don't be so hard on yourself, you're not a coot. I find you to be neither foolish nor crotchety.