Friday, March 30, 2007

Challah Back Girl

I am not Jewish obviously (I am about as gentile looking as one can get) but I love holiday music. This song was sent to our office on the back of box of matzah. Get drunk, watch Yentl (or Fiddler on the Roof) and sing it with your friends this weekend!

A Passover Song
[Sung to the tune of “These are a few of my favorite things”]

Cleaning and cooking and so many dishes
Out with the hametz, no pastas, no knishes
Fish that’s gefilted, horseradish that stings
These are a few of our Passover things

Matzoh and karpas and chopped up haroset
Shankbones and Kiddish and Yiddish neuroses
Tante who kvetches and uncle who sings
These are a few of our Passover things

Motzi and maror and trouble with Pharoahs
Famines and locusts and slaves with wheelbarrows
Matzoh balls floating and eggshell that cling
These are a few of our Passover things

When the plagues strike
When the lice bite
When we’re feeling sad
We simply remember our Passover things
And then we don’t feel so bad

*courtesy of Rabbi Yochonon Goldman


KEITH said...

"Challah Back Girl"?


Hadass said...

You just gave Weird Al Yankovich his next big song title.

I forwarded this to my coworker who's wife is Jewish, and therefore his kids are too, so he practices by default. I titled the email "For the Jew in you". He got a real kick out of it and took it home and taught the song to his kids. Funny that the song was to "My Favorite Things" when that whole movie had Nazis in it. Maybe that makes sense...