Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Sacrifices, Sacrifices

Recently I realized that if I am going to go somewhere fun for vacation this year I am going to have to go on a financial diet. Cut out all the fat and stick to just my basic needs. And yes, I realize that my basic needs are a bit more extravagant than most peoples'. My buddy Keith balked when I told him how much I spent at the salon, “And that didn’t include a haircut??” Unfortunately for me I am not one of those fully evolved people who write articles in fashion magazines about how they have embraced their imperfections and learned to love their bodies and themselves regardless. I just can’t. Which brings me to my therapist, a fancy out of network doc, who’s comfy down filled Restoration Hardware chaise I lounge on when I do my “who am I? what does it all mean?” thing each week.

There are two types of people in this world, savers and spenders and I for sure am the latter. This is a girl who purchased a car and a house in her 24th year (both were on sale and used). But, indeed these are necessities. A girl needs a place to live and a vehicle to get her there and I justify it by knowing that I am not one of those poor souls who can’t negotiate their way out of a paper bag. I am quite scrappy. Even still, I am going to have make some cuts. One being that nights out are going to be reduced although I vowed to chip in more for the wine and beer I drink Keith’s or just switch to something concocted from the bottles collecting dust on top of his cabinets.

Clothing, accessories, and make-up purchases, my biggest vices, are going to have to be controlled. I have to say “so long” to the brightly painted MAC girls who make me think of what Rainbow Bright might look like if going to a very sassy funeral. I will also have to stomp around in last years espadrilles (sigh) come warmer weather. I acknowledge that jeans are an addiction and am slowly going through my own 12 step program to cure myself. A new thriftier me, here I come!

I think I may have to purchase a cilice to match my new lay person lifestyle.

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