Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Sienna, why must you be such a fucking idiot?

Why, why, WHY? I adored the semi famous starlet from day one. She was like this little British debutant with the coolest boyfriend and natural, fresh scrubbed beauty that a girl only dreams about. I didn’t give a shit about her acting chops but needed her to stay in the public eye enough to be photographed. Why? Because she has the coolest sense of style of anyone I have seen since this girl Caitlin I went to SCAD with. I had a girl crush on Caitlin, big time. She was thin, gorgeous, nice, and rocked the coolest looks. I ran into her one time on karaoke night at that bar (I forget the name. Savannah people know, the one that backed up to Drayton right across from Parker’s market) and her boyfriend was so incredibly sexy in that scruffy male model way I think my jaw hit the floor. She wore the same 15 pieces and never wore them the same way. Sienna is like that too. I would see her in several candid shots wearing these adorable patent leather Marc Jacobs flats. Her red Moschino capelet, Balenciaga bag, and vintage cowgirl boots were also wardrobe staples mixed and matched with different pieces. None of that Paris Hilton never-wear-something-twice crap. Effortless chic, homegirl had it and I copied every look that I could pull off.

Then came the “Shitsburg” incident. Then her hissyfit outside a bar in Pittsburg if she hadn’t been enough of a brat. My sympathy from the whole “Jude fucked the nanny” thing – gone. And then most recently she sat down with the London Guardian and here are some of her prize quotes:

On cigarettes: "I love them. Love them, I think the more positive approach you have to smoking, the less harmful it is."

On why people do drugs: "'Cos they're fun! 'Cos they're fucking loads of fun! No, don't write that. I always end up putting my big fat foot in it."

On the drugs she does: "I still love a waterfall or the odd hallucinogenic drug. I liked mushrooms, which were legal until a year or so ago. If I had a drug of choice, it would be magic mushrooms") and pain-killing variety "I took a morphine pill [while researching her role in 'Factory Girl'], just to feel what a safe way of taking heroin was like. I didn't really feel a lot. I'm incredibly hardcore. Hahaha!".

On what she likes about Jude Law: "Heeheehee! Everything about him. He's an incredibly brilliant, intelligent, funny, charismatic, vivacious, kind, beautiful, rich," "Don't put the last thing."

It is like she wants me to hate her when I just want to go on adoring her. Maybe her publicist should go out with Lindsay Lohan’s overworked flack for drinks. You know, to welcome her to Hell.


Kate said... beer, lousy karaoke, and blueberry pancakes anytime day or night

Hadass said...

Incredibly lousy karaoke. I spent many a night there with my drunk neighbor, mostly scraping him off the barstool and carting him home. We also spent many a night listening to the bad karaoke from the open windows in Chris's apartment in Drayton Tower. Now that is a sound that will lull you to sleep.