Wednesday, March 28, 2007


If the world was more vegan friendly I would be one. I tried it but it was too hard going out or being at family functions so I keep a pretty much vegan kitchen but will eat dairy when I go out. Becoming a vegetarian was a process and I just recently dropped the fish and shellfish. I don’t want to preach but being a vegetarian is actually easier for me since I am terrified of the hormone injections and who knows what other shit they give to livestock. Whatever it is, studies are showing that girls who were raised on diets heavy in meat and dairy are getting their periods on average 2-3 years earlier than girls 40 years ago. Scary. Also, the meat industry is reeking havoc on the environment and lastly, I can’t bring myself to eat animals anymore. There is just too much guilt involved and I have enough problems.

Where am a going with this and who is the hot chick in the picture you ask? That is Sarma Melngailis, the sexiest vegan on the planet and one of my personal heroes. She is the co-creator of New York’s Pure Food and Wine raw vegan restaurant. Check out the website where she blogs (its one of my favorite sites I visit regularly) and order her cookbook, its fantastic. Anyway, since this fall I inadvertently lost a very significant amount of lbs. I have been trying hard to keep my weight in a healthy BMI range as well as perk up my increasingly corpselike appearance. I want to eat healthy so I asked Sarma how to gain weight without eating shit and the sweetie pie wrote me back! I feel so special (I really do). This is what she said:


I would eat more avocados! And add more nuts and good fats, like macadamia oil on your salads (my favorite b/c it has SO much flavor, and is so good for you). I can't relate myself, as I tend to gain weight very easily, even on a raw/vegan diet, so I do the opposite... try to keep nuts, fats and sweet things to a minimum. But if I could, I'd munch on our rosemary crackers, spicy nuts, and macaroons all day!Again... avocados... I love them, and also they've done studies that show you absorb a TON more nutrients from a salad if it has avocado in it... the fats help the absorption of the nutrients dramatically. Cheers to you...

Warm regards,


Guacamole anyone?


Hadass said...

I really want to try eating less meat and more good stuff, but it is so hard. Meat is everywhere! Plus my husband likes to hunt, so there will be lots o' meat in my house. My theory is "as long as I don't have to kill it or think about where it came from, I guess I can eat it." I know that is a total bury my head in the sand kind of response, but that is the only way I can stomach the idea. I really wish I could not eat meat. I keep saying I am going to give it a shot, but when I end up having to cook meat for dinner sometimes, it is almost impossible. You are so strong for being able to do that. I know it would help me lose weight too. If I only had willpower! And I love avocados and salad too, so that is one hurdle out of the way.

KEITH said...

I just had a hot dog for lunch.

Hadass said...

Well I just had turkey and bacon for lunch, so I obviously have no willpower. However, there was some guacamole on my sandwich, so that has to count for something.

KEITH said...

Mmmm . . . turkey and bacon.

Did it have cheese to?

Hadass said...

yes, cheese. It was the turkey bacon guacamole sub from Quizno's. Mmmm...toasty.