I believe that vice less people are the least interesting people on the planet. Unfortunately that is the case and that fact is supported by the snooze fest albums once great bands put out after they dried out. Don’t get me wrong, I am not advocating drunkenness, I am advocating lightening the fuck up. Have a little crazy and immature fun (see this picture of 2 people I love intensely). If you don’t drink you are only invited to half the things you would be and that is the painful truth. Buddhist monks are only interesting from afar.
There is the one exception to this rule and that is of the recovering alcoholic. These have my respect as they have swung from every chandelier and have ridden the mechanical bull of life more than 8 seconds. They have wonderful, sad, funny, engaging stories to tell. They also knew when it was time to dry out and grow up. Even if you are not an alcoholic there is a time when everyone is going to have to cool it a little. In the meantime do some ice luge shots with your sister on New Year’s Eve.
As someone who used to drink way too much way too often I know from whence I speak. The most difficult and important thing to accomplish in life is to learn to navigate the tricky waters between living a life you are proud of and still delighting in the many things there are to take pleasure in. To accomplish this you must make lots of mistakes and nothing helps that along like a few cocktails. Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and painfully dull.
So, say something inappropriate and do something you normally wouldn’t do. You may regret it but maybe it is something you really mean.
Thank God somebody finally said it. Preach on sister.
Love the pic. Those outfits came in real handy on the honeymoon.
if a picture says a thousand words, the fisrt couple of this one would be "Holy shit, GIRLFRIEND...."
I would like to state for the record to anyone out there who does not know me that even though those outfits were used for a honeymoon and this picture was taken the night before the wedding, that is not my groom, and if it was, we would have gone clubbing in those outfits, and not used them for their intended purpose.
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