Friday, March 16, 2007

Just a Little Off the Top...

This is something I am not particularly proud of, but this morning I had a consultation with Dr. Algirid Mameniskis (see picture), a plastic surgeon I know casually through work. I have been dissatisfied with my peasant nose for as long as I can remember. As a teenage my mother said she would let me have it done if there was a prominent bump but the slight alterations to the tip that I want weren’t reason enough for her to condone or financially support me going under the knife.

Now that I am all grown up (although some people think wanting to do this is supremely childish) I give it thought every time I see a picture of myself. I don’t hate the way I look but I have never been particularly fond of my nose. So, here I am sitting on the brocade chairs in the Medical Tower waiting for the good Doctor to see me.

Let me make this clear, this is about curiosity and not insecurity. I hardly think Mandy Moore, Cameron Diaz, and Michelle Pheiffer got theirs done because they had low self esteem. Long story short, he said what I wanted done was not significant enough to have a surgery. I told him that was all the more reason for him to do it as I am clearly not one of those Joceyln Wildenstein freaks who is addicted to plastic surgery (I suggest you do an image search for her. You will find it fascinating and disturbing). He sighed deeply, cocked his head to the side, raised his eyebrows, and gave me that “Come on, Colleen. Let it go.” look I am used to receiving from people. He said he would consider it if I come back in a year and still want it done which he doesn't think I will.

Fine. I can’t afford it now and fankly, he’s probably right.

1 comment:

Hadass said...

I love you just the way you are.